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Nisa Local Makes a Difference for Tongham Bowling Club

The Nisa Local at The Street, Tongham has donated £700 to Tongham Bowling Club through Nisa’s Making a Difference Locally charity, to support purchasing a defibrillator.

The bowling club, based on Oxenden Road in Tongham, has 92 members and play league games from Monday to Friday and friendlies at the weekend.


Following a number of tragic deaths near the green as a result of people suffering heart attacks, the club decided to raise funds for a new defibrillator to be installed.

A defibrillator is a life-saving piece of equipment that can prevent death from a cardiac arrest, by delivering a high energy electric shock to the heart if required. The device will be available to players and spectators of the club and will be situated in the bowling club’s equipment shed.

We are delighted to be able to use our Making a Difference Locally funds

Making a Difference Locally, who funded the donation, is a charity established to support local communities, allowing Nisa-affiliated retailers to support local causes that matter to them with charitable donations. Every time a customer purchases an item from Nisa’s Heritage or Co-op own brand ranges, a proportion of the cost is added to the store’s charity fund, to be donated to a local good cause.

Derek Peddle, secretary of Tongham Bowling Club, said of the donation: “Most of our members are in the age group of 70 to 89,  so we think that the purchase of a defibrillator for the use of the club will be a great thing, and this donation has enabled us to purchase one.

“Sadly, I have seen at least two deaths around the bowling green from heart attacks. The defibrillator will be situated in our equipment shed, which is always open when we are bowling.”

Sujit Desai, owner of the Nisa Local, added: “We are delighted to be able to use our Making a Difference Locally funds to support purchasing a defibrillator at Tongham Bowling Club.

“We would like to thank our customers for their continued support, through the purchases of selected products in our stores; as without their support these community donations would not be possible.”

New players are welcome at Tongham Bowling Club of all abilities and ages, from 10+. New bowlers are also very welcome as the club has qualified coaches who will be happy to help new players to start off their bowling careers.