Proudfoot supermarkets Make a Difference for Yorkshire Coast Sight Support
Yorkshire Coast Sight Support Scarborough have received a charitable donation of £500 from Proudfoot supermarkets this month to help continue their work with local people with sight impairment.
The family-run Proudfoot supermarket group supported the club through Nisa’s Making a Difference Locally (MADL) charity, which raises funds from the sale of Heritage and Co-op own label products, in addition to funds raised via the four supermarkets’ in-store collecting tins.
Yorkshire Coast Sight Support host groups from Scarborough, Whitby and Filey every day except Fridays, which are reserved for partnership groups such as Guide Dogs or NYCC.
Colin Eastwood, manager for Yorkshire Coast Sight Support, said:, “We have around 75 of our 120 members at the centre each week. Most are 65+ but we have a number of 35 to 50-year-old members and some 17+ members.
“Groups come to the centre to have lunch and a chat then do whatever they fancy. Play bingo, have a quiz, go for a walk, sit in or tend to our garden, exercise in our small gym, take advantage of our computer area, get help with anything.
“We go cycling, walking, out to visit - whatever the members want. We are very member driven, that’s why we are here and have been for over 83 years.
“Unknown to most people, Scarborough has a much higher than average incidence of residents with a visual impairment; as you may guess this tends to be age related. YCSS are the only charity in the borough offering a full range of support for the visually impaired community.
“A big thank you to Proudfoot for supporting YCSS, it’s very much appreciated.”

Valerie Aston, director at the Proudfoot Group, added: “We are delighted to be able to use our Making a Difference Locally funds to support good causes in the area.
“We would like to thank our customers for their continued support, through the in-store collecting tins and purchases of selected products in our stores; as without their support these community donations would not be possible.”