Twyning Village Stores helps local school to purchase new iPads
Tewkesbury retailer Twyning Village Stores Nisa Local are supporting a local school this month with a donation of £200. The convenience store, based in Twyning Village, donated the funds to Twyning School through Nisa’s Making a Difference Locally charity, to help the school to purchase new iPads for the pupils to use.
We’re delighted to be able to support the local community in this way.
Glenys Holdcroft on behalf of the Twyning Village Stores commented: “Thank you to all our customers for shopping with us and helping us to raise this money for the local community. It's a simple concept - customers that purchase Heritage own-label products and products highlighted with the Making a Difference Locally logo in-store help raise money for local good causes - it's as simple as that.
“We’re delighted to be able to support the local community in this way. When we handed over the cheque the children were excited to receive the money, which will help pay for new iPads for them to use at the school.”
To help support causes in your area look for Heritage own label products or branded products highlighted with the MADL logo in-store, or donate using the dedicated Making a Difference Locally collecting tins.