Making a Difference Locally
Making a Difference Locally is Nisa’s registered charity, which enables independent retailers to donate money to their local communities.
With a vision and mission to invest in building stronger local communities, Making a Difference Locally was created in May 2008 to help the group’s retail partners add value to, and further cement their position within the communities around their stores, through donations to local charities or good causes - such as local grassroots football teams, foodbanks, hospices or one of the thousands of charities that run throughout the UK.
The retailers, all partners of Nisa, raise funds through the sale of specific products in their stores and then choose a local beneficiary for the money. All own brand products from the Co-op and Heritage ranges sold in Nisa stores contribute to their Making a Difference Locally fund, and additional money can also be raised via Making a Difference Locally in-store collecting tins, coin spinners and clothing banks. Retailers can view the funds they have accrued through a password-protected, secure website and choose when they wish to withdraw funds for a donation, submitting a form to the Making a Difference Locally committee for approval. Once this has been approved, a donation is paid to the charity or good cause by the charity.
Since its creation the Making a Difference Locally charity has helped thousands of charities and good causes all over the UK. To read more about MADL, please see our community area on Nisa Locally.