Changes in Chelmsford with store facelift
A long-standing Nisa retailer has given his store a facelift to help demonstrate his ongoing commitment to the community.
Paul Cornell has upgraded his Chelmsford Nisa Local in Sandford Road, to the latest Evolution fascia and updated the interior of the store with the installation of new retail as well as separate Post Office counters, new flooring, and updated woodwork.
The mini refit in the 2,000 sq.ft. store, completed with support from The Jordon Group and Impact Signs, was carried out over a two-week period and has rejuvenated the shop Paul has operated for the past decade.

He said investing in the store is one way he can let his customers know that they are important to him and his business.
“For me, making an investment in my store is less about making more money in sales, and more about me showing the community that we care about the shop and want to look after it for our customers."
“There are lots of things we can do but it all goes some way to helping retain our shoppers.”

The new fascia replaces the previous white and blue Nisa signage and the imagery in the windows has also been replaced with more contemporary designs.
The old cream tiles on the floor have gone and new grey ones are now in place, giving a fresh and clean look to accompany refreshed internal signage and point of sale.
“The things we have done are quite simple but really effective and it keeps customers interested. I find if we spend a little on the store, every few years with small refreshes, it keeps the store in good condition and we stay fresh and up to date,” added Paul.