Making a Difference Locally to partner with Small Charities Coalition
Nisa’s charity Making a Difference Locally (MADL) is partnering with the Small Charities Coalition for an initial two-year period to create mutual benefits for their respective members.
Making a Difference Locally will fund a full-time administrator post at the Small Charities Coalition for two years to enable it to support, lobby for and raise the profile of more small charities across the UK. The new administrator will also be able to support the MADL team in locating small charities in the communities served by Nisa retailers to assist them with community engagement and support.
The Small Charities Coalition was created to respond to the need for free, accessible and sustainable support for small charities, while Making a Difference Locally, which celebrates its 10th birthday this year, was established to support small local causes like these through donations from Nisa’s retailer members.
Mandy Johnson, Chief Executive of the Small Charities Coalition, commented:
There are 168,000 registered charities in the UK and countless micro charities that don't qualify to register. 97% of these have less than £1million annual income, sharing less than 20% of the money that goes to the charity sector. These are our members. As a small charity ourselves, the Small Charities Coalition provides support such as training, advice and mentoring. We are loud and opinionated when it comes to making it clear to the public and decision-makers that small charities are an integral part of society. In our communities, on our streets, up and down the country- small charities are doing incredible work, often with little recognition. We won't let their work go unseen. We are so pleased to be working with Making a Difference Locally - it is wonderful to have a partner that is as committed to small charities as we are. We look forward to working with the team at MADL to make sure that more small charities get the support they deserve.
Kate Carroll, Nisa’s Head of Charity, added: “I’m delighted that we’ve formed this partnership with the Small Charities Coalition and am really looking forward to working closely with Mandy and her fabulous team to the benefit of both of our members.
“Making a Difference Locally exists to build stronger local communities by supporting small charities and community causes that would otherwise struggle for funds. The strategic partnership between our two organisations will benefit small charities UK-wide, demonstrating our commitment to being a responsible funder whilst promoting the many benefits of being a part of the Small Charities Coalition.”