Nisa’s charity supports good causes with £850k in 2019
Convenience and wholesale specialist Nisa donated almost £850,000 to charities and other good causes across the UK and Ireland through its Making a Difference Locally charity last year.
2019 saw 1,444 individual donations made to causes including community groups, schools, Scout and Girlguiding groups, charities, sports clubs and many more.
One such cause to benefit from a donation from Making a Difference Locally last year was Wetwheels Yorkshire, who, using specially modified and fully accessible powerboats, provide boating opportunities for people with disabilities with the aim of building their confidence and independence. A £500 donation from Nisa partner Proudfoot supermarkets in Scarborough last summer helped the group to fund trips out on the water for its service users.
Peter Richardson, chairman and founding director of Wetwheels said: “As per previous years, much of the total (running costs) required will be met by the groups who come out on the water with us. However, to ensure financial accessibility to all, Proudfoot’s MADL funding will be used by Wetwheels Yorkshire to fund free or heavily subsidised trips for disabled adults and children in the Scarborough and District locality who would not otherwise have been able to enjoy this experience.”
Making a Difference Locally (MADL) raises funds in Nisa partner stores through sales of Heritage and Co-op own brand products, in addition to money raised via in-store collecting tins. Last November it was announced that the charity had raised over £11m for good causes since its formation in 2008.
Kate Carroll, Nisa’s Head of Charity, said: “2019 was another fantastic year for charitable giving, with hundreds of Nisa retailers supporting some amazing local good causes.
“We’re delighted that these causes have benefitted from donations totalling almost £850,000 as the funding given by our independent retailers will make a significant difference for the smaller charities and community groups in particular.
“Last year saw lots of great achievements for the charity and we look forward to making a difference for many more good causes in 2020!”
For more information on Making a Difference Locally visit www.makingadifferencelocally.c... or follow @MADLCharity on Facebook or Twitter.