Supporting Small Business Saturday
Nisa will be supporting the Small Business Saturday campaign this weekend to help raise awareness and encourage consumers to shop local and support small businesses including Nisa partners.

The day takes place annually on the first Saturday in December, but the campaign aims to have a lasting impact on small businesses.
Nisa has actively supported the campaign for several years, banging the drum for independent, small businesses including the 1,400 Nisa partners.
Small Business Saturday is really important for raising awareness of the value small businesses add both to the local economy and also to the community as a whole.
Steve Leach, Nisa sales director and supporter of Small Business Saturday said: “Nisa partners are all independent retailers, most are small businesses, many are family-run, and they put so much time and energy into what they do.
“Small Business Saturday is really important for raising awareness of the value small businesses add both to the local economy and also to the community as a whole.”
Throughout this week and over the weekend, Nisa will be using its social media channels to support the event and encourage partners, suppliers, and others to like, share and engage with posts.
Follow the campaign on social channels by searching for #SmallBizSatUK and liking and sharing as well as publishing your own posts about small businesses you support.