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Black toffee apples recipe

Black toffee apples recipe

Black toffee apples: how to make the perfect Halloween snack

The ultimate, homemade October twist on the toffee apple. Perfect for trick or treating or a Halloween party, Black Toffee Apples are simple! That one special ingredient - black food colouring - is all you need to make them suitably scary.

What you'll need
  • 1 bag your favourite apples
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 50ml double cream
  • 3 - 4 tsp black food colouring
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 2 tbsp corn syrup
  • 2 tbsp butter

Top tip: Want to mix it up? You can make any colour of toffee apple with this recipe - just replace the food colouring with your colour of choice.


Wash and dry the apples. Carve a small hole in the centre and press your craft stick in.


Pop some baking paper on a tray.


Put your corn syrup, Heritage sugar and water into a microwavable bowl, and microwave for about 5 minutes (or until the mixture boils and turns an orange-y colour).


Add the cream and food colouring to the mix, and stir thoroughly. Then, add the butter until fully melted. You should have a lovely thick, gooey, black liquid!


Dip your apples in, one at a time, fully covering them with the sticky sauce. Hold over the bowl until it’s stopped dripping (this should take about 10 seconds) and then wait for a further 30 seconds to allow the liquid to set. Put the black toffee apple on the baking sheet. Repeat until all apples are covered


Chill for about an hour so the coating has time to fully set, then serve!

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